Caller To NewstalkZB Talks About Chemtrails – Says The Government Owes The Public An Explanation

Kerre Woodham

On Monday night, shortly after 8.30pm,  a middle-aged man named Grant phoned NewstalkZB to bring up some  concerns he had about the rarely-mentioned topic of chemtrails with talk show host, Kerre Woodham, and was on air for approximately five minutes.

The caller, who sounded worried, said that for quite some time he has been noticing that there seem to be some “funny contrails” appearing in the sky in the evening.  He told Woodham, who said that this was the first time she had heard about them, that while contrails normally dissipate instantaneously, these ones lingered and that he was looking at one while he was talking to her.

He continued: “I’ve done a little bit of research and there’s a phenomenon overseas which is referred to as chemtrails.  Now ‘chem’ obviously refers to chemicals and I’m prompted to ring you tonight because  I want to know, I want to know why we have chemtrails in New Zealand.  I want to know what these funny contrails are, and I’m not prepared to watch these things appear in the sky week after week, without any debate.”

Woodham asked him what he thought could be done about it. He replied:  “We can hold our government to account and we can ask some serious questions, because these things are possibly rather nasty and I think we deserve an explanation.”

He said: “Speaking as a male living in a country that has one of the lowest sperm counts in the Western world, I get a little bit concerned when I see things being sprayed in the atmosphere and I just wonder if the two are related.”   He added that while he did not think the chemtrails were the cause of the infertility, he still would really like to know what chemtrails are and why are they appearing in our skies.

Woodham, evidently unaware that it has been admitted that chemtrails are real and that there is a global “geo-engineering” operation under way, was dismissive of Grant’s concerns and even implied that it may not really be occurring.  She also used the C word repeatedly – “conspiracy,” seemingly in an attempt to sweep his concerns under the carpet.

Two callers later, a man named Chris phoned in and also tried to dismiss the matter of chemtrails. He claimed that chemtrails were explained away in the media a few days ago and that they were really contrails.

For Kerre Woodham and Chris, and anyone else who was sceptical of Grant’s claims, here is a news report from the US, which shows chemtrails not only being acknowledged as real, but also as potentially hazardous to human health:  

To listen to the interview using YouTube click here:

The 5 minute-long interview between Grant and Woodham can be downloaded here (MP3):


The Government Is Already “Geo-Engineering” The Environment

Millions were in germ war tests.

UK TV Shows Uncover UK Government’s Public Area Germ Warfare Tests Which Included Spraying the public from a plane.

Alex Jones THE GOVERNMENT´S REAL CHEMTRAIL AGENDA? Radio show of April the 13th, 2008.

About Clare Swinney

Committed to awakening those still asleep. Please keep an open mind and do your own research before you jump to conclusions. WebofEvidence on YouTube: Clare on Bitchute:
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4 Responses to Caller To NewstalkZB Talks About Chemtrails – Says The Government Owes The Public An Explanation

  1. Bruce says:

    What more would you expect from Kerre Woodham and NewstalkZB? A commercial radio station like that is obviously going to take a debunking stance! The clue should be in Kerre Woodham saying this is the first she’s heard of it. Has she been living under a rock for the last few years? And here’s another thing I can tell you – every big budget movie I’ve seen in the last few years has at least one scene in it depicting chemtrails in the sky in the background! Once you start looking for them you’ll notice them too! Chemtrails are everywhere – one was even seen right across the centre of Auckland City on a clear blue day on 10 January 2010! Keep up the good work guys 🙂

  2. ZRow says:

    Why are people so stupid?
    If they don’t see it on the news, it’s not real. Haven’t they learn’t anything from the lies we’ve been fed over the last 10 years. Thank you for keeping me informed.

    • susan says:

      because they been poisoned maybe? or no they not actually stupid, they just acting stupid …to cover up the fact they they are infact selfish selfserving gluttons who will deny the truth for the sake of a well paid job were they just have to tell a few lies in an attempt to keep sheeple asleep so that they can continue these crimes agiants humanity. The part I dont get is if these chemicals get everywhere we all have to breath the same air. I’d like to know where if any place is exempt from these chemtrails …cause i just started seeing them in lower hutt 😦

  3. Ant says:

    I live in the Nelson area and have for ten years. When I first came here I noticed the unusual trails hanging in the sky. I soon discovered what they were and I was disgusted. Every new year/Xmas period they do us like a dinner here, with complete white-outs when they reach what they call maximum saturation. I’ve heard that the lower north Island/upper south Island is the worst area in the country for this if that can be said.
    Many suffer what has been described the 100 day dry cough soon after spraying depending on the mix. Some have upper-respiratory problems similar to bronchitis. I suffer from bronchial asthma and it makes me sick-literally! I am sick of this biological warfare attack-and its nothing short of that,run by the united nations and U.S.A.F I’ve heard,and it must be stopped. All of our food is contaminated whether organic or not and all life is affected by it. The base ingredients being barium salts which are radio active with a fluoride component and aluminium and various other nasties depending on what is being sprayed included human blood and faeces-nice mix aye? The effect of barium salts which are more poisonous than lead and the aluminium have a direct numbing effect on the brain, dumbing the population down making us easy pray for manipulation etc.Nobody looks up any more. Critical thinking and common sense have taken a big hit over the years along with making it difficult to recognise truth from BS, so making the public pliable in the hands of the manipulators.This must stop! Ant.

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