Dementia Increased Over 18% In Three Years In NZ

Dementia Economic Impact Report 2012

The following statistics were taken from the Dementia Economic Impact Report 2011

In New Zealand

In 2011, 48,182 New Zealanders had dementia – 1.1% of the New Zealand (NZ) population.  This has increased over 18% in three years, from 40,746 people in 2008



Dr Russell Blaylock Talks About the Health Effects of Inhaling Chemtrail Particulates

About Clare Swinney

Committed to awakening those still asleep. Please keep an open mind and do your own research before you jump to conclusions. WebofEvidence on YouTube: Clare on Bitchute:
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1 Response to Dementia Increased Over 18% In Three Years In NZ

  1. herbda2 says:

    I found this article on the Jeff Rense web site .. Most interesting.

    Jan Smith’s Morgellons –
    CDC Says It’s ‘Delusional Parasitosis’

    (Editor’s note – Jan Smith has suffered from Morgellons for over 20 years. She is one of the most heroic, brave women of our time. Singlehandedly, Jan began to save, index, photograph and catalog the ASTONISHING things that come out of her body. Without Jan’s dedication to exploring and researching this horrible, frightening condition of MORGELLONS, we would know far less than we do now.

    Delusional Parasitosis, also known as Ekbom’s Syndrome,[1][2] is a form of psychosis whose victims acquire a strong delusional belief that they are infested with parasites, whereas in reality no such parasites are present.[3] Very often the imaginary parasites are reported as being “bugs” or insects crawling on or under the skin; in these cases the experience of the sensation known as formication may provide the basis for this belief.

    Danger Will Robinson !!! Beware of Folie à deux If you see anything unusual in these photos below you will be considered delusional.

    Folie à deux (English pronunciation: /f??li ? ?du?/, French pronunciation: ?[f?li a d?ø], from the French for “a madness shared by two”) (or shared psychosis) is a psychiatric syndrome in which symptoms of a delusional belief are transmitted from one individual to another.[1]

    What a bunch of detestable evil reptiles run this world!Jeff, I marvel at how you can deal with this kind of news in every venue all the time. It must get really depressing at times.

    These first four photos are results of alcohol gel mixed with fibers and biofilm.

    Fresh, today, from my left leg. (Most of the photos below at shown at 300-400x)

    Morgellons connection to Chemtrails ..

    Jan has reached a point in her research whereby a further piece of the Chemtrails puzzle is revealed .. the sufferers become walking transmitters or receivers .. a flood of speculation is released by her findings .. the article on Rense is brief and well illustrated ..

    Not everyone is affected by Morgellons .. but of those affected, all appear to have lived in spray zone areas .. I believe this is due to biological idiosyncrasy .. Read on and see what you make of it .. add it to the information that Clare has made available and a larger picture appears ..
    Quantum dotA quantum dot is a portion of matter (e.g., semiconductor) whoseexcitons are confined in all three spatial dimensions. Consequently, such materials have electronic properties intermediate between those of bulk semiconductors and those of discrete molecules.[1][2][3] They were discovered at the beginning of the 1980s by Alexei Ekimov[4] in a glass matrix and by Louis E. Brus in colloidal solutions. The term “quantum dot” was coined by Mark Reed.[5]

    Researchers have studied quantum dots in transistors, solar cells, LEDs, and diode lasers. They have also investigated quantum dots as agents for medical imaging and hope to use them asqubits in quantum computing.

    Stated simply, quantum dots are semiconductors whose electronic characteristics are closely related to the size and shape of the individual crystal. Generally, the smaller the size of the crystal, the larger the band gap, the greater the difference in energy between the highest valence band and the lowest conduction band becomes, therefore more energy is needed to excite the dot, and concurrently, more energy is released when the crystal returns to its resting state. For example, in fluorescent dye applications, this equates to higher frequencies of light emitted after excitation of the dot as the crystal shrinks to smaller sizes, resulting in a color shift from red to blue in the light emitted. In addition to such tuning, a main advantage with quantum dots is that, because of the high level of control possible over the size of the crystals produced, it is possible to have very precise control over the conductive properties of the material.[6]Quantum dots of different sizes can be assembled into a gradient multi-layer nanofilm.

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