Demonstration Against Chemtrails On Queen Street, Auckland Today

Here is video footage taken of the protest against chemtrails that took place on Queen Street in Auckland, New Zealand, in the afternoon today.  It shows Vinny Eastwood of the Vinny Eastwood Show assiduously educating the public about chemtrails.  Thank-you to Vinny Eastwood and to activist Penny Bright for the sign, which shows the clear difference between chemtrails and natural clouds. Also, thank-you to those who gave their support by being there, and by being there in spirit!

About Clare Swinney

Committed to awakening those still asleep. Please keep an open mind and do your own research before you jump to conclusions. WebofEvidence on YouTube: Clare on Bitchute:
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1 Response to Demonstration Against Chemtrails On Queen Street, Auckland Today

  1. Wayne Kelly says:

    last Wednesday night I went outside at around 11pm to see one perfect chemtrail right across the sky..I live near Orewa and a friend in Matakana saw it the same night..(wed july 13).it was quite windy and was drifting rapidly towards Auckland..even though it was windy it stayed intact as a straight line..

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