Strange Noise Heard From North Shore of Auckland on the 31 May, 2012

Writes Chris, a resident of the North Shore of Auckland:

Date: Thu, 31 May 2012 22:41:03 +0000

Hi there

Perhaps this may sound coo cooish  but this morning between 8am and 8:25am ( I had to leave to work afterwards) I heard this very low resonating trumpety noise or a hum or low rumble melody type noise coming from the sky (southeasterly direction).  It started off with a low hum then peaked and faded out.  It was intemittent in nature.  My wife and 8-year-old son heard it too.   I have head about similar “noises” in Canada and elsewhere.

Just wondering if any of your readers or news sources have picked it up..


About Clare Swinney

Committed to awakening those still asleep. Please keep an open mind and do your own research before you jump to conclusions. WebofEvidence on YouTube: Clare on Bitchute:
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28 Responses to Strange Noise Heard From North Shore of Auckland on the 31 May, 2012

  1. Rose says:

    Somethings going on Clare… the skies here in Kaikoura (east coast) were boiling this morning and are now full metal jacket – the HAARPing is so obvious in the cloud matter when the iron curtain parts for a short whole.

    I would love to hear a recording of this noise that has repeatedly been reported all over the world.

    Get these bastards out of Geoteoroa

    • Clare Swinney says:

      Thanks very much for the heads up, Rose. Send me a photo if you can to post.

    • erin says:

      hi there rose. just to let u know that if u still wish to hear more of these sounds u can go to and type in strange noise and it will come up many home recordings and media/news footage from all over the world documenting these sounds on tape so u can hear if u interested. 🙂 goodluck with ur research.

  2. FrackNZ says:

    Some locations that have reported The Hum include Bristol, England, the Big Island of Hawaii (where its source is thought to be subterranean volcanic activity), the North Shore area of Auckland, in Taos, New Mexico, and several other locations. A specific Hum is usually named after the area where it is heard, i.e., the “Taos Hum” or the “Auckland Hum.” The sound of The Hum is often described as that of a idling diesel engine in the distance, even though no such engine can ever be found. The Hum may be audible in two locations dozens of miles apart, but usually it is localized in a relatively small area.

    Posting this because e it mentions Auckland s North Shore… big hum to the source of this article.

    Hawaii is under major Military Op. too

    • Peter C says:

      If its coming from the stratosphere then HAARP must be involved…l have found out that a false showing of, dear mite l say it, …ALIENS…, will appear with the answers to all our problems, we just have to trust them but they are in bed with the badguys……so be very weary about it if its true…aluminated humans like those mice they jabbed with fluorecent ink will be these scumbags (beware those bearing gifts)….dont trust them if they seem to good to be true…lve been told the 2nd ones to arrive, Andromedans and Plaeideans will be the righteous ones and will have ,dear mite l say this too…Jesus with them hence the phrase “The Second Coming”! Who knows, hope the latter is true! Whatever it is we in for some crazy times shortly thats for sure!!!

  3. Graeme says:

    Had to stick my spoke in here
    Don’t know but don’t like the sound of it
    The Earth is Groaning
    The Enviroment is on the precipice of a major enviromental Disaster and Back Lash
    We can’t keep treating it as an open sewer
    It simply cannot go on unabated
    It hangs in the balance
    There have been ice ages and warm periods all through the Earths history
    Stadials and Inter Stadials
    The Air Temperature is rising but the Land Temperature is dropping (Ken?)
    We could be thrust into the throes of an ice age the onset of which could be very fast
    Such as the Mini Ice Age that beset Europe in the 18th Century
    And the Thames Froze over
    The homeless camping on it to their detriment when the thaw came and many were drowned
    The Earth is a Living and caring entity
    What we do affects it and what it does affects us-what affects one affects the other-Reciprocal by Nature
    We are both inter related and I was going to say Dependent on each other
    But the Truth is the Earth would be better off without us
    A small minority are intent on Destroying it for their own Develish means
    Trees are a good example
    We need trees the lungs of the World but they don’t need us and would be better off without us
    We are made from the same matter as trees-Carl Sagan
    The Universe is a Filter-The Earth is a Filter-Our Brains are a Filter
    We are being Filtered through Time and Space
    This is why our water supplies are Fluoridated Toothpastes Fluoridated and we are subject to and bombarded with contaminants including derivatives of Nuclear Fission through aerosol spraying for mind control and to stop our brains working to their full potential so that they stay dumbed down and don’t join up the Dots
    This is only one form of mind control
    Once you Fluoridate water a BUY Product of the manufacture of Aluminium and introduce phosphates and a whole lot of other nasties including those associated with aerosol spraying and nuclear particles that are released into the enviroment through places like Fukushima and the over 2500 Nuclear Tests-it goes all the way down the line and ends up in the Food chain
    Children being most at risk because their cells divide at a greater rate through the growth process and are therefore at more risk of abnormalities
    The Earth a Living and caring entity
    Anyway what I was going to say
    How do we explain Crop Circles?
    Various people have tried to debunk and discredit these
    But the Truth is these are not a recent phenomenum by any means occurring over a very long period of time with eye witness accounts
    These are thought to be caused by light vibration heat and sound
    They are egg shaped and what distinguishs them from fraudulent misrepresentations is the fact that they do not touch the ground but in fact remain suspended just above the ground as opposed to embossed into such
    Check out Freddy Silva “Crop Circle Secrets”
    Also good Interview with same “Irish Side of the Moom”
    Out of Interest………………………………..Chem Trails Out
    University of Taihape

    • Jimini Krikit says:

      The Solar system is heating up from the outside in ie; the outer planets have shown the most rise in temp. The rise in temperature seems to be a constant amongst all the planets. Look it up. This is a fact. So Earths global warming may not be man made. I know that sounds idiotic but Earths temperature rise is the only planet not in the same scale as all the other planets. Our destruction of our environment seems to be doing something to lessen the effect of whatever it is heating up all the other planets. Again… look it up. Media seem to be very reluctant to report it for some reason.

  4. Peter C says:

    Hi Clare, did u get the Post I sent for Chris about the strange sound up North?

  5. Clare Swinney says:

  6. Graeme says:
    Search Edgar Caycee’s Pole Shift Prediction

  7. Vaughn says:

    I just heard the same noise Chris described in Parnell, Auckland.

  8. k.fhionnah says:

    Palmerston North… persistent low-vibration Hum tonight. 2:15am 15 August 2012

    • Danielle says:

      Hi there was that meaning this morning? I woke at 2am myself and lay in bed for 2 hrs figuring out noises out there; low motor noises, was looking out for trucks etc on our busy road to see what it was. (Palmy).

    • Jimini Krikit says:

      Oh my god….. that very night i woke up and for some reason flicked back my bedroom curtain and the entire sky above palmy looked like it was on fire. except it was a vivid bright bright blue and looked like swirling plasma fire. Hard to describe…. it was EXACTLY the same as the blue on some you tube videos about strange flashes of light in sky. Wonder if they are connected. It was about 3;30am Palmerston North and it only lasted a second after i opened the curtain. It was so so vivid blue. I will never forget it. Everyone i told the next morning and onwards just thinks im crazy. Its a pity cos i might be crazy but i aint dumb and i saw what i saw.

  9. Danielle says:

    Heard this hum Saturday in Palmy (25th/8/12) 4-5am, again early Sunday morning and 4-5 am Tuesday 28th. It is much like the sounds in Belgium and Canada, (only a little quieter), in the following compilation on Utube

  10. Daniel says:

    I heard a strange low out of tune trumpet or organ sound today at 145am. It was irregular and only seemed to last 5-10 min. It maybe just a coincidence that we had the deadly tornado less than 48 hours ago…?

  11. Maddie says:

    Hi everyone, I living on the north shore also, and was just sitting in my house, when a very loud rumbling sound started, I ignored it at first, thinking it might be a car, but after it going on for about a minute, I decided to walk out onto the deck to see what all the noise was about, I saw several people out of their houses, so I was not the only person. It stopped after about, 3 minutes, but as I was writing the start of this reply, it started again, much louder and I could feel it that time. I would love to further my knowledge on this mysterious sound, it did spook me quite a bit. I don’t know much about this kind of thing as I am only 15 but, something was definitely wrong. Regards Madeleine.

    • Thank-you Maddie. If you hear any more, let us know, and keep your eyes to the skies for strange-looking clouds, chemtrails and other activities which may be HAARP/scalar-technology related.

    • Liam says:


      I have heard it too, would love to hear from you. I have heard it in beachHaevn and Glenfield. 021 2622282

  12. audrey smith says:

    Been hearing a strange humming sound in new pltmout, nz for over an hour already and its now 4:22am.

  13. Ashar says:

    I am interested in finding out whatever happened to the story in 2006 about the Auckland hum? Cause I am hearing something right now — 4:12am — Wednesday — July 1st, 2015 – and I was wondering if someone ever found an answer ??

  14. Leah says:

    I used to hear this in Auckland when I lived there, but I’ve been up north for 2 x years and on nights like tonight it keeps me awake.

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