NZ Green Party Continues To Use Semantic Gymnastics To Avoid Chemtrail Issue

It may be true that you can’t fool all the people all the time, but you can fool enough of them to rule a large country.  –Will Durant

 We are living in an Orwellian dystopia.   As the documentary What In The World Are They Spraying? exposed, where stratospheric aerosol geo-engineering is concerned, obfuscation and avoidance of the matter seem to be the norm in the political arena, where they try to fool a lot of the people all of the time.
 Pat McNair of Hamilton, who contributes frequently to Chemtrails Over NZ on, wrote to Green Party MP Julie-Anne Genter on June the 24th, 2012 regarding her concerns and those of her family’s about the impacts geo-engineering on the environment and on human health.  Her letter, posted below, was referred by Genter  to the Office of Catherine Delahunty, the Green Party spokesperson on toxics issues.   Delahunty’s assistant replied to Pat on July the 3rd, 2012 that the Green Party did not believe the scientific evidence in favour of the existence chemtrails held up to scrutiny.  

The reply Pat received is very similar to other responses from the Green Party about stratospheric aerosols.  For instance:

1)  “Thank you for sharing your concerns with us regarding chemtrails. The Green Party takes the safety of people from toxic substances very seriously, but we prefer to focus on issues where the science on toxicity and potential harm is more evident.”  (Part of the reply from Delahunty’s Office to Dianne L. of Island Bay, 2nd September 2011).

2) “Given that there are always constraints on staff capacity to work on the many issues that may be deserving of attention, the Greens need to focus on issues for which there is robust scientific evidence and broad consensus among the science community. Chemtrails do not meet this criteria…” (Part of reply to Mark Baker of Wanganui , dated 14th December, 2011 from an assistant to Dr Russel Norman MP, Co-leader of the Green Party).

States Pat McNair: “I have also noticed the verbatim replies, obviously scripted for them. It only convinces me more than ever that there is an orchestrated conspiracy of silence coming down from the top – and it sickens me that they should even consider the need to all get their stories straight for the masses.”

On January the 4th, 2011 I wrote to Delahunty and sent her a copy of What In The World Are They Spraying?   I pointed out some of the evidence that indicated weather modification technology was being used to cause drought in Northland in 2010 and seriously harm the environment.  She replied: “[P]lease do not send me any more links  I have seen enough and it’s not going to be a campaign that I will work on.  There is no need to induce droughts they are happening because of excess fossil fuel emissions so lets stop that problem!”

It is highly ironic the Green Party of New Zealand refuses to address the matter of aerosols polluting the environment for what they claim is a lack of evidence, while they ride the “man-made global warming/climate change” bandwagon, even when this theory has been exposed as a politically motivated hoax.    A host of real scientists including  Professor Tim Ball Piers Corbyn, Anthony WattsProfessor Ian Clark, Professor Philip Scott, Professor Richard Lindzen and a multitude of others contend the evidence shows “man-made global warming” simply is not happening.   More.

In my opinion, the Green Party’s claim that there is not enough evidence regarding stratospheric aerosol geo-engineering for them to take action, is ultimately made to avoid exposing that the Military Industrial Media Financial Complex is really in control of our skies, and that our government functions as a puppet show for the so-called elite, who want to give us the illusion of a democracy.  It is a lie used for the restriction of the distribution of knowledge amongst the public to conceal how corrupt our systems of power and control really are.  What do you think?
Here is Pat’s letter and the reply:

Dear MP,

Are you aware that Geo-Engineering is taking place in our New Zealand skies?  If you are not aware, as my representative, I am asking you to quickly get up to date with this pressing issue.

Some Geo-Engineering facts are:

Our planet is being saturated with heavy metals such as Barium, Aluminium, Titanium, Arsenic and Boron, which are also now alarmingly being found in rainwater samples in New Zealand. The amounts showing up are way over the acceptable limit. Reputable scientists and researchers have proven that these metals, along with a large number of other poisons and also nano-tech particles, are being sprayed in our skies in a program known as chemtrailing. There is so much indisputable evidence that this is happening in New Zealand.

Many, many New Zealanders are documenting the debilitating and life threatening illnesses that occur after heavy chemtrail spraying in their locations. Some doctors and health care professionals are now treating their patients for chemtrail illnesses. I am one of these patients.

Did you know that Monsanto now has an aluminium-resistant seed, due to the high amounts of aluminium being dumped from chemical trails? I am sure you will see the connection between big business and this issue. Dumping so many heavy metals into the atmosphere has possibly forever altered it and is creating an environment hostile to life on Earth.

Please do not hesitate to get back to me with any questions you might have and please take a look at the following video:  Geoengineering: Destroying the Atmosphere – Rosalind Peterson (certified U.S.D.A. Farm Service Agency Crop Loss Adjustor)

I am writing to you on behalf of my family and a number of your constituents and we look forward to your response

Yours sincerely

Pat McNair

July the 3rd, 2012

Kia ora Pat,

Thank you for your email to Green Party MP Julie-Anne Genter. It was passed on to our office as Catherine Delahunty is the Green Party spokesperson for toxics issues.

While we appreciate your concern, the Green Party does not currently believe that the scientific evidence in favour of the existence chemtrails holds up to scrutiny. We have limited resources, and therefore must place our focus on areas where the scientific evidence in favour of toxicity and potential (or real) harm is of the highest level.

Please feel free to contact us again if you have any further questions.

Warm regards,

Asher Goldman
Executive Assistant
Office of Catherine Delahunty MP l Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand
Green Party Spokesperson for Education, Environment (Toxics), Environment (Terrestrial Mining), Te Tiriti o Waitangi

Bowen House, Parliament Buildings, Wellington 6160, New Zealand
Whare Pāremata , Te Whanganui-a-Tara 6160, Aotearoa

(: 04 817 8252 | 7: 04 472 6003



Authorised by Catherine Delahunty, Parliament Buildings, Wellington

Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail


Eisenhower warns us of the military industrial complex

About Clare Swinney

Committed to awakening those still asleep. Please keep an open mind and do your own research before you jump to conclusions. WebofEvidence on YouTube: Clare on Bitchute:
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6 Responses to NZ Green Party Continues To Use Semantic Gymnastics To Avoid Chemtrail Issue

  1. Graeme says:

    And has anybody seen the Maori Party?
    The “Jacks of the Green of NZ”
    Who are charged with the Responsibility of “Looking After” all things that Grow
    They are all in collusion through their tacitness and Deceit
    This Govt is not a Govt
    It is a Puppet Show
    It is a two Party Political System with the Greens as a Fine Tuning Mechanism
    That like in a Rugby game Periodically changes sides after a half Time Political Campaign
    Marching to the Tune of the NWO Purse Strings
    The World Bank and the IMF run this Country
    And have done so since 1961
    Do what you’re told or you won’t get any money or worse
    John Keys Mission is to Destroy the NZ Economy and Christian way of Life
    He is a Crypto Jew
    Just like it was Jewish Hitlers mission-a British Agent-to Lose the War and Destroy Christian Germany
    A De Facto Father of the Jewish State for which two World Wars were fought
    Like it is Obamas Mission to Destroy Christian America
    And open us up to Exploitation to World Banksters whom he Represents
    Eisenhower was no Angel either
    He ran the “Infamous” Eisehower” Death Camps after the War
    Where over a Million German Civilians were Coralled into Death Camps and left to Die
    The Real Halocaust
    But you Don’t hear alot about them
    Because it doesn’t fit into the Order of things and the Projected accepted unquestioned image of such

  2. waimang says:

    People be aware!! The people behind the world wide “green party” movement are in complicity with the reduction of global population for the sake of planet earth.. per-say! The evidence of “chem trails” is profound and blatantly obvious. To deny their existence is complete foolishness. Just do some research and you will find that the “green party” uses the “green” bandwagon as a front to deceive people. Their hidden genders are far from saving the population, rather the opposite.

  3. Marian says:

    Good on you Pat! At least you got a reply. I contacted Russel Norman over a month ago,and he hasn’t even bothered replying.I have never been a Green party,or Greenpeace supporter ,for the reasons pointed out in the above comments ….

  4. Graeme says:

    If what I say about the Greens being a Fine Tuning Mechanism to the Two Party Political System not being True
    Then why was Rod Donald Assassinated?

  5. The green party is like a watermelon – green on the outside but red all the way through. I take serious issue with the green’s, so much so that I believe they are a laughable party at best. They are there simply to shape the eco-discourse in the country away from REAL environmental catastrophes already under way. Their silence on issues like water fluoridation is deafening.

    The greens are just following the criminal UN Agenda 21 and they make sure and play their part to socially engineer society to accept global government tyranny.

    This will tell you all you really need to know about the greens:

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