TV One Brainwashing for March 6: Weatherman Calls Chemtrail Clouds “Pretty Cool”

About Clare Swinney

Committed to awakening those still asleep. Please keep an open mind and do your own research before you jump to conclusions. WebofEvidence on YouTube: Clare on Bitchute:
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5 Responses to TV One Brainwashing for March 6: Weatherman Calls Chemtrail Clouds “Pretty Cool”

  1. South Canterbury Sky Watch says:

    Great job in this short video. That puppet Dan, needs to be shown up!!! Then the other puppets thank him??? lol. Lame Stream Media simple as that.

  2. marian says:

    The ” bright and breezy, ” cheesy-grinning, gesticulating hands, along with the unadulterated lies being fed to the public, day in, day out, by this ” weathermonger ” along with all the others in the media, who shut down or ridicule anyone who questions their wisdom, is excruciating to behold. So many lap it all up and take these people’s words as gospel.
    Thankfully I don’t have TV, but I do see the evidence of this crime all over the programs I sometimes catch when visiting other people with their TV on.
    Puppet is an accurate description Daz!
    Thanks Clare..

    • Marian, I rarely watch TV, yet frequently there is a photo shown in the TV One news which is aerosol-related, whether it be coloured faux cloud material, strangely-coloured sunsets and/or unnatural cloud formations. Orwell’s 1984 is now.

  3. Very frustrating to watch! He names oily puddles! Exactly what it is. Then the propaganda follows. 😦

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