Minister For The Environment, Hon Nick Smith Passes The Buck When Asked About Chemtrails By The Mayor Of Kaikoura

Several weeks ago, the Mayor of Kaikoura, Kevin Heays wrote to Hon. Nick Smith regarding the chemtrails which are being seen  polluting his region regularly.    What a shame there aren’t more Mayors like this.

You may link to the reply Mr Heays received on the 27th of May 2010, in pdf format here:

As you can see, it appears that the Hon Nick Smith has avoided answering the Mayor directly by passing the matter on to an Information Director, who falsely claims that the trails are comprised of nothing more than water vapour.

Shame on the Government for lying about this monstrous crime being committed against the environment and the people of this country!


Chemtrails Over Kaikoura

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About Clare Swinney

Committed to awakening those still asleep. Please keep an open mind and do your own research before you jump to conclusions. WebofEvidence on YouTube: Clare on Bitchute:
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12 Responses to Minister For The Environment, Hon Nick Smith Passes The Buck When Asked About Chemtrails By The Mayor Of Kaikoura

  1. Nina Fox says:

    Aloha Mayor Kevin Heays~I want you to know that you now have a new admirer on the island of Maui in Hawai’i~thank you for having the kahunas to take a stand! This is such a huge and important environmental concern~and it is world wide~Wake Up People! Even beautiful Hawai’i is getting chemed now too! As for the Minister of the Environment there in NZ~well~I better not say what I really feel~but you can just imagine….Keep your eyes to the sky, but watch your health and your gardens and all animal life in the air, land and sea. Much Aloha~Nina from Maui

  2. Ian L says:

    Good on you mayor Heays for taking this issue seriously. Please keep pushing for truthful answers from our supposed leaders. Just who is controlling them I wonder? Obviously they care more for their careers than the welfare of their constituents. Shame on them!

  3. Jamahurin says:

    I am amazed that these clowns get away with lying about this issue so much. Even though many of us have just recently noticed chemtrails, it has been going on in some parts of the world for over 10 years. That’s a lot of lies to keep secret!! Time to keep the pressure on theses guys! Exactly why I , and people like me continue to document these aerosol crimes until there is full disclosure. I have documented over 100 days worth of chemtrail and related footage where I live in Oregon. I will not stop until the chemtrails stop and there is full disclosure!

    Mr Mayor, Kevin Heays, thank you so much for standing firm and not giving up on this issue. The world needs more Mayors like you! The time to shove our heads in the sand and hope it goes away, is over. Time to Wake up people! Wake up and demand answers that make sense. Clouds are not supposed to be made by airplanes!

  4. Salutations Kaikoura Mayor Kevin Heays. I wish more people would express their concern about having pollutants raining down on them.

    With veteran documentary maker Alex Jones currently producing a new documentary on the subject this topic should soon been blown wide open. When the public starts waking up, Nick Smith and other liers will soon find that their words will have accumulated a lot of interest.

    Anyone with half a brain will know that normal contrails only last 15sec to 2min max. This is why you will see so many normal planes flying leaving no trail at the same time as a chemtrail lingers for hours.

    Nick Smith and chums would have us believe that water vapor behaves differently at the same place and same time.

  5. Clare Swinney says:

    This chemtrailing that is going in Kaikoura is diabolical I have heard.
    Thank-you very much for standing up for humanity and common sense Mayor Heays.

  6. Pingback: Photos & A Message From Rose In Kaikoura About « Northland New Zealand Chemtrails Watch

  7. Elsa/Luis says:

    It’s an honour Mr Heays, to see , although “politics”, you are a wise and respectful man. Your position regarding these criminals, to expose them, is admirable.
    From Portugal our kindest regards.
    Mankind need men like you!

  8. HWD says:

    Well done Mayor Heays for taking up this issue.
    It needs a concerted effort to challenge our govt’s “misinformation” re these chemtrails.

  9. Pingback: Letter From The Mayor Of Kaikoura To The Minister For The Environment Regarding Chemtrails « Northland New Zealand Chemtrails Watch

  10. Pingback: “Bollocks” Writes Kaikoura’s Mayor In Reply To Todd Krieble, Of The Ministry For The Environment « Northland New Zealand Chemtrails Watch

  11. Lee says:

    today, regrettably I had an argument with my beautiful 30 year old daughter who has been ill on and off for 3 years. We were walking in Lincoln, MA and up above were planes chemtrailing the skies over our heads. I referred to them, wanted to turn back from the walk and then the argument began. My daughter’s philosophy on the matter: you are nobody Mom – if it is true – you can’t stop it – you are no one of significance and you are not a scientist – then she insisted that the internet (where I became aware and WOKE UP at 62 years of age just within the last 9 months as to how the planet is really run and by whom) is unreliable! She said since she did not feel well and considered herself physically falling apart she didn’t want to add chemtrails to her anxiety list about her health. I understood. The military allegedly sprayed (in 1953 in St. Louis, MO, USA) unknowing citizens who later came forward to tell what they saw (people on buildings hooking up sprayers and also hooking up sprayers to back of vehicles which they thought were insect insecticide). However, it turned out to be something much more sinister. The survivors of this military experiment all have health issues, bone pain, cancer and they want answers. The military has gone radio silent – no response to inquiries as to exactly what they sprayed and why?. Naturally, do we really expect them to own up to what they were doing then and to what they are doing now???? My daughter says “I don’t want to live in fear like you Mom”. I said “I am not fearful, I am pissed off – how dare they experiment on anyone”! Needless to say the day was ruined. What gets me is this chemtrail experimentation is global. People ALL OVER THE PLANET are reporting this – and the powers that be in control blatantly send planes up to fly in skies back and forth in criss cross motions forming clouds, whiting out the skies and the sun and then they have the unmitigated gall to call it air traffic contrails like we all live in DUMBFUCISTAN! I say FUCK THEM ALL and I HOPE THEY ALL DIE A SLOW AND PAINFUL DEATH and when they reach the other side – THEY ALL GO STRAIGHT TO HELL.

    • Thank-you Lee. New Zealand was a beautiful country. For the last 3 or so years, the skies have been innundated with chemtrails/aerosols. Perhaps the so-called elite are pursuing life-extension technology in order to avoid going hell.

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