David Icke Coming To Auckland In August


David Icke has finally received his visa for Australia and launched ticket sales for New Zealand, Australia, USA and Europe on: http://theworldwidewakeup.com/.

The Facebook Page for the tour is https://www.facebook.com/David-Icke-World-Wide-Wake-Up-20162017-436106829927139/.

Master conspiracy author’s World Tour arrives in New Zealand this August!‏

FORCED to abandon his dream career as goalkeeper for Coventry City at the age of 21 because of rheumatoid arthritis, David Icke became a popular figure as sports presenter at the BBC while representing the Green Party as official spokesman. After recurring epiphanies that led to a journey of profound synchronicities and enquiry, Icke embarked on his current career of investigative journalism and international author.  Despite his theories often being publicly ridiculed, a strong fan following expressed through sold out seminars across the globe gave credence to his research and theories and solidified his role as publicly giving voice to questions that many did not have the strength to ask or answer.

In recent years, alternative versions of reality that were previously dismissed as “conspiracy theories” have increasingly taken up the spotlight as facts emerge in support of these sometimes controversial claims. At the forefront of this profession is bestselling UK author and speaker, David Icke. His “Worldwide Wake Up” Tour is the culmination of a 26 year career exposing hidden political agendas, espionage, secret societies and covert manipulation of the masses. Often the target for mainstream media smear campaigns led by prominent political figures and media celebrities and having withstood ongoing derision, many of David Icke’s “absurd” theories have been confirmed as truth and are unfolding before our very eyes today.

Since the early nineties and throughout his extensive career, David repeatedly made predictions of future world events based on his research at given times. He wrote extensively about a group of families linked by bloodline that control the major economies and consequently, the governments of the world. He has exposed a hidden agenda to enslave humanity through the introduction of a fascist world government that will rule over all of humanity via a centralized world bank, a one world army and a gigantic police state. He has described a world where fundamental human rights such as freedom of speech, thought and expression is disallowed and punished by being branded as “terrorism”, and where any opposition to the ruling elite is suppressed by force and financial mechanisms of control. According to David Icke, the planned trigger for this agenda of global control will be a third world war that will forever transform life on the planet, presenting the opportunity to usher in the New World Order to an unsuspecting and accepting, post war humanity.

David Icke will also be launching his latest book at “Worldwide Wake Up” Tour called “Phantom Self” which offers solutions to society’s challenges highlighted in his life’s work. Focusing on David’s fundamental belief that a worldwide awakening of humanity is happening where the individual undergoes an integral transformation from what he refers to as the “Phantom Self” to Universal Truth and Infinite Self. He illustrates how deconstructing the false ego of self identification through confronting the truths of our current disempowering reality is crucial for humanity’s freedom from global tyranny. The current state of the world is only a reflection of the inner state of the individual. In order to create a harmonious reality, it is necessary for the individual to explore the deeper realms of their own consciousness which projects onto the collective reality, unlocking our limitless potential to decide our own experience and destiny.

It is obvious that our world is undergoing major changes with the threat of world war, an impending financial collapse, the rapid deterioration of individual and community ethics and the dehumanization of entire societies. We live in a time where humanity is being asked to choose between apathy or taking responsibility for the world that we have helped create. Once again, David Icke has answered the call with the launch of his latest book “Phantom Self”. The “Worldwide Wake Up Tour” is sure to be a paradigm shifting experience for all that would like to push the boundaries of their consciousness.

For more please visit:



About Clare Swinney

Committed to awakening those still asleep. Please keep an open mind and do your own research before you jump to conclusions. WebofEvidence on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyTh2WC7w_8GYD6ZecXUQMQ Clare on Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/1z2iaeXTln25/
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1 Response to David Icke Coming To Auckland In August

  1. Helena Marcia Jordan says:

    I wonder how the minister for tourism would react to a website warning tourists of chem trail poisoning of humans, animals, water, food crops and ocean life in Northland. Are we prepared to sacrifice the tourist dollar for the Truth and Life?

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