NewsTalkZB: Why Not Use Weather Modification Technology To Control Cyclones? Friday, 17 Feb, 2023

On Friday the 17th of February, Kerre Woodham, the host of NewsTalkZB‘s weekday morning shows, read an email from Clare on air about the evidence which reveals that technology has existed to control cyclones for at least seven decades. Clare questioned why it isn’t being used now.

“Hi Kerre,
Do we need to build far more resilient infrastructure and change land use at the potential cost of billions, when weather modification technology has been available for decades that is able to stop cyclones and floods in their tracks? One has to wonder why this approach is not being implemented, given what is at stake.
According to a book I found at the Whangarei library titled ‘Fixing The Sky’, by historian Professor James Fleming, work to modify tropical cyclones began over 7 decades ago. He wrote that “history’s first assault by man on a tropical storm” occurred in 1947 and it’s direction was changed.
Needless to say, work related to modifying cyclones has continued. For example, one can read the details of the 2010 29th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology online. This shows that work was in full swing and becoming highly advanced.

Imagine what can be done now.

When there is an entire week to change the course of a cyclone that is known to be heading for homes and food growing areas, why not do it?”

Playing With Hurricanes For Over Six Decades

The Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction – Weather,

In the 1970s, a former National Security advisor named Zbigniew Brzezinski, wrote in his book ‘Between Two Ages’, that: “Technology will make available, to the leaders of major nations, techniques for conducting secret warfare, of which only a bare minimum of the security forces need be appraised… Techniques of weather modification could be employed to produce prolonged periods of drought or storm. “

Carnicom Institute

Ask Your Library To Get A Copy of ‘Chemtrails, HAARP, & the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth’

Give Me A Lever Long Enough & A Place To Stand & I Will Move The World – But Where Will It Roll?

Possibly useful link for forecasting weather:,174.768,5:

About Clare Swinney

Committed to awakening those still asleep. Please keep an open mind and do your own research before you jump to conclusions. WebofEvidence on YouTube: Clare on Bitchute:
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2 Responses to NewsTalkZB: Why Not Use Weather Modification Technology To Control Cyclones? Friday, 17 Feb, 2023

  1. petevanderwaal says:

    It is clear that this technology was used, but not to the advantage of the new-zealand people. Normally Cyclones stay out at sea, and don’t come close to any land. Further the area this cyclone was covering was far bigger with higher wind and rain levels than one would expect. ( Perhaps our ‘beloved’ government can fill in the blanks. Do we have to look back to Christchurch earthquake’s and ask ourselves how all of this happened. More questions than answers I suppose.

  2. Pingback: WEATHER MANIPULATION IN NZ – FACT OR FICTION? – Counterspin Media

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